Kathy Schmaltz for State Representative



It is not a secret that Michigan families are struggling to make ends meet.  Over the past four years, taxpayers have seen inflation at record rates, and prices for everyday goods and services skyrocket.

As our State Representative, Kathy Schmaltz has been working to help Michigan families and grow our economy.  Kathy has a plan that includes repealing the Democrat’s 5% income tax increase and cutting the bureaucratic red tape which is holding our economy back.  

Over the past six years, reading scores have plummeted to 43rd in the nation and our graduation rate has dropped to 43rd as well.  The Democrat’s answer was eliminating 3rd-grade reading requirements and cutting school-aid funding.   As your State Representative, Kathy Schmaltz will continue fighting for commonsense solutions that prioritize our children’s education, and give our teachers the tools they need to succeed. 
Kathy understands that whether a child is looking to go into skill trades or is planning on attending college, we need to provide them with all of the tools necessary to succeed throughout their K-12 career. 

The government’s number one responsibility is to protect its citizens, that is why Kathy Schmaltz has and will continue to stand with our first responders.  These men and women put their lives on the line every day to ensure we are safe, that is why Kathy is proud to fight to ensure that they have all the tools that they need to be successful.
Kathy will also work to ensure that Prosecutors enforce our laws and prosecute those who threaten the safety of our citizens.

Last fall in the middle of the night, the Democrat’s jammed through their version of the Green New Deal, a plan that voters overwhelmingly rejected just a few years ago. While this legislation aims to require all energy to come from wind and solar by the year 2040, it also takes away local control and gives it to Lansing bureaucrats.
For example, residents would not have a say if someone wanted to build a large solar panel farm or a sea of windmills next to their homes.  Rather bureaucrats in Lansing would have the final say.  That is why Representative Kathy Schmaltz opposed this legislation.
Kathy understands that we want to move toward clean energy but we need a real plan that does not take away local control. As our State Representative, Kathy Schmaltz will fight to protect your voice and local control.